Inside youtube instant

The Stanford dude Feross Aboukhadijeh unleashed a viral phenomenon with youtube instant mashup. 1 million users visited the site in 10 days. According to Feross, it took only 3 hours to put it together. He also secured a job in Google from none other than the top guy of youtube. Sounds crazy?

I was a little curious to know the technology behind this craziness but google search didn't help. I am sure it is there somewhere, but for the moment google seems to be stuck in the story itself.  Instead of wasting time searching, I decided to lift the hood myself - to find that this shiny gadget is implemented in three simple steps.

Once the user enters a set of characters, the first step is finding suggested keywords. Luckily, there is a google API for that. Let us say the user enters 'a'. All the suggested keywords for 'a' can be found by invoking this API.

This returns the top search keywords like "airplane" , "alejandro lady gaga", "airplanes b.o.b" etc.

Now pick the first keyword, which is "airplane", and make another youtube API call.

This will give you vital statistics about all relevant videos in JSON format.

Finally, display the first video from the above list:

Hats off to Ferosse for his ingenuity!  This is also a window to the possibilities of cloud computing. Buckle up!


  1. Nice writeup, Kamal. I was wondering about this, too.



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